Controlling the server with init.d/rc.d

/etc/init.d/blackhole start Starts the server
/etc/init.d/blackhole stop Stops the server
/etc/init.d/blackhole restart Restarts the server
/etc/init.d/blackhole status Shows the status of the server, running, not running etc

Installating the init.d/rc.d scripts

The init script depends on /etc/blackhole.conf being in place and configured.

Blackhole comes with a script that works with init.d/rc.d, to install it copy it from the init.d/YOUR_DISTRO folder in the root directory of this project to /etc/init.d/.

The init scripts can be found here.

i.e. for Debian/Ubuntu users, mv the file from init.d/debian-ubuntu/ to /etc/init.d/.

Then make sure it’s executable:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/blackhole

To make blackhole start on a reboot use the following:

update-rc.d blackhole defaults

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